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Muscular Development Magazine
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June 2023
Volume 60, Issue 6

Few bodybuilders have generated as much excitement in recent years as Blessing Awodibu aka The Boogieman, the man on this month’s cover. Originally from Nigeria, Blessing grew up mainly in Ireland before finally making his way to the USA a couple of years ago. His rivalry with Nick Walker was probably the most interesting narrative in pro bodybuilding in the spring of 2021, leading up to Blessing’s pro debut. Blessing would go on to win back-to-back shows the following year at the Indy Pro and New York Pro. After his Mr. Olympia debut in December 2022 didn’t go as planned, Blessing went back to the drawing board to revamp his training and nutrition. “This year is going to be the beginning of The Boogieman’s reign,” he tells MD.

On the cover is Blessing Awodibu