All Natural
Muscular Development Magazine
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October 1997
The look of natural bodybuilding and less on the hardcore look is what Muscular Development stands for. With everything geared towards the natural look, it continues to attack steroids, drugs, etc. On the cover is Frank Sepe and fitness competitor Tori Wilson, photographed by Per Barnal.
Muscular Development, owned by Twinlab, is another serious bodybuilder magazine that concentrates on natural bodybuilding, but also covers fitness and health related items. They pride themselves on giving its readers extensive coverage on the cutting edge of training, diet and nutrition articles. It also has great pictures of bodybuilders, and makes for enjoyable reading.
October 1997 Table of Contents
Volume 34, Number 10
- Drug Testing: The way to do it: What's with the IFBB and Drug Testing?
- New Study: Higher fat diets boost testosterone: Here's how to live longer and stay healthy with a higher fat diet.
- Weight Training for Weight Loss?: Firing up the metabolism for more muscularity.
- Frank Sepe goes natural! Killer! Find out how he did it with this volcanic total body workout!
- Androstenedione and tales of Testosterone: The latest buzz word is Androstenedione, a direct hormone precursor of testosterone.
- The 1997 Ms. Galaxy: Cancun Galaxy Carnival! Where foxy women change from chatty divas to obstacle course commandos!
- Thank God for natural bodybuilding! Steve Holland profile and total body workout! The battle of the lightweights: Can Holland beat Faildo in the 1997 Team Universe?
- Rating the latest weight loss supplements: The real, unbiased story behind what works and what doesn't work.
- Hot Breaking Research: Phenomenal Factoids about fitness, health and nutrition.
- Strength & Conditioning: Clenbuterol and performance... Sumo vs. conventional deadlifts... Sets and reps... Making weight...
- Fat News: An obesity virus?
Natural Training:
- As I See It: Taking a stand by Bill Pearl
- Heavy Duty: For productive biceps and lattissimus exercise by Mike Mentzer
- Ask the Legend: Steve Reeves Q&A: Buffalo: Good old American protein
- Natural Bodybuilding Digest: Favorite chicken recipes of the natural bodybuilding stars.
- Labrada's Outlook: My way or the highway!
- Kinesiology: One legged calf raise: Building Diamonds in the rough.
- Thinking Big: Using your success outside the gym to attain your bodybuilding goals.
- Ask the Experts: Top of the Line Training Tips
- Best of Health: Save your breath
- Eat to Win: Orlistat offers new hope for dieters... the FDA and Ephedra... Diet sodas lose their fizz... New study shows fruits and vegetables lower blood pressure... critics attack fat blocker diet...
- Muscle Meals: Killer lowfat granola you can make at home.
Health & Fitness:
- Cardio Q&A: Exercise stress tests.
- State of the Art: Fatty acids for optimum immunity... Beta Carotene and cancer... Zinc zaps cold symptoms...
- Dietary Supplement Review: As the smoke clears around Vanadyl Sulfate
- Drugs in Sports Roundtable: Are the drug testers dopes?
- Anabolic Review: Anabolic actions of Insulin, growth hormone and IGF-1... Steroids and blood pressure... Why do athletes use ergogenic aids?
- Muscle Mail: President Clinton shares his thoughts with Steve Blechman
- On the Web: Revamped and expanded! Now with the latest celebrity news, in addition to health, fitness and sexuality scoops!
- Mentzer Speaks! An open challenge to (volume) bodybuilders
- Romano's Rage Page: It's time to tell a few people off!
- New Products & Classifieds:
- Max Rep: The Stalker walks among us! Revenge of the Stalker! The Stalker from the Black Lagoon!