October 1998
Muscular Development, owned by Twinlab, is another serious bodybuilder magazine that concentrates on natural bodybuilding, but also covers fitness and health related items. They pride themselves on giving its readers extensive coverage on the cutting edge of training, diet and nutrition articles. It also has great pictures of bodybuilders, and makes for enjoyable reading. The look of natural bodybuilding and less on the hardcore look is what Muscular Development stands for. With everything geared towards the natural look, it continues to attack steroids, drugs, etc.
This is the third issue that Muscular Development has taken on a whole new look, mimicking the growing Internet computer rage, with the format looking like a browser, with computer terms replacing the normal style of the magazine. It is definitely an interesting look, but will it last and bode well with the readers. We shall see. On the cover is Roger Asmus, photographed by Per Bernal.
October 1998 Table of Contents
Volume 35, Number 10